What is a Why?
In the second installment of The Mindful Athlete blog we will be discussing the importance of finding a why. Meaning, finding a reason to push yourself and see yourself succeed. Finding a why is at the core of becoming successful. You won’t be able to accomplish something without having a reason to do it. However, finding a why can be difficult. In my own life, it took falling to literal rock bottom to realize my purpose and my reason for pushing myself. I needed to look at myself and reflect on my own values and morals. One of the ways I found my why was listening to motivational speeches and podcasts. These included some of the most influential celebrities sharing their stories and how they became successful. Finding yours isn’t something that happens overnight. It requires deep thinking and the ability to look inward and find the source of the issue. Once you find your way, you have purpose and you have the drive to be your best each and every day.